On this page of my site, I will be sharing some of my “world famous” vegan meal recipes.
While they are really only famous in my own household, I hold them in high regard, and they’re world famous to me.
The first dish, is my own signature creation that I call the “Big Hack,” with potato wedges.
I have compiled the complete preparation from beginning to end, in a four part video series that is posted below:
The next dish, is my signature Home Fries.
This is another four part video series that you can view below:
Next up, is a two part series where I prep my infamous Brussel Sprouts.
They are a great addition to many dishes, and you can view their complete preparation below:
For my next culinary masterpiece, I am preparing a kale salad.
This can be a great standalone dish, that you can even pack up in a small container, and take with you on the go.
Here is the video posted below:
Last, but not least, is my smoothie preparation.
To help supplement your daily servings of fruit, vegetables, and minerals, required for your body’s optimal maintenance, view the video below:
To get your very own NutriBullet, to make your own delicious smoothies at home, click on the link below:
For links to the supplements, how to make the fruit and vegetable wash, and other items related to my smoothie prep, visit my Healthy Living Page, by clicking here!